
online couse brain training for dogs

Here's a Sneak Peak at What You Get Inside the  'Brain Training For Dogs'   Online Course… MODULE 1 PRESCHOOL This is the foundation for the whole course. Here your dog will learn how to tap into his awesome brain power to  become super obedient  to your every command. Inside you will discover the following… How to  ‘Target Train’  your dog so he/she  keeps their attention  on you. (You can even use ‘targeting’ to get your dog to open doors, ring bells or turn off lights). The  ‘magic little way’  to get your dog to  look into your eyes  so the  communication is strong  as a foundation for  super obedience. A very simple  ‘airplane game’  to get your dog looking into your eyes and  paying attention  to you as the source of reward and pleasure. MODULE 2 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Now that your dog has mastered foundational training it's time to improve his skills and use his senses to  complete your commands.  You will get games covering the followi

5 tips how you can train your dog easily

5 tips how you can train your dog easily Keeping a dog at home is something fun and interesting. Studies have shown that having a little pet at home can make your life fun and at the same time, release your stress and pressure from work. Getting a pet dog is easy to do, but taking care and training him is another story. Most people would love to have a dog as a pet, but when it comes to taking care of the dog or training him, the owners feel challenged. In this article, you are going to discover the 5 tips how you can train your dog easily. You can learn how to teach him to come to you when called. You can ask him to stay quiet, to give you his paw and do 'handshake', or even request your dog to crawl. Here are the 5 tips that you must apply. 1. Create a training schedule Do you know that training a dog requires a proper schedule? The more strictly you follow the schedule, the better the result and the quicker your dog will learn what you have to teach him. Th

Do You Make These 4 Common Mistakes in Dog Training?

Do You Make These 4 Common  Mistakes  in   Dog Training? Most Dog training programs today fail to engage your Dog on a mental level, and fail to develop his/her intelligence. With enough mental stimulation - many problem behaviors simply melt away. I'll explain why below. Most dog training programs fail you and your dog because they never  address the root cause  of your dog's problem behavior. They just give you some cookie-cutter technique to stop biting, chewing or barking - which is short term in its effectiveness at best - again, because it does not address the root cause of the problem. Most dog training programs use OUTDATED force and dominance techniques. This is proven NOT to work by the latest research. My methods are force-free and gentle. They rely on the latest science in dog behavior research to create a strong bond between you and your dog and create positive emotions in your dog as opposed to fearful ones. They only reinforce the behaviors
Dog Training Tricks - Cool Dog Tricks To Teach Your Dog Develops your Dog's  "Hidden Intelligence" Dogs are smart animals that can learn fun and cool tricks easily when properly trained. Teaching your dog tricks does not only make your dog smarter, it's also a fun thing to do for the owner. Good news is that training a dog is not really that difficult. You can begin with simple dog training tricks before proceeding with advanced dog training. Here's how owners can start with simple training: Giving treats . Dog food is one of the most helpful things that trainers can use for simple dog training because these pets react easily to food. The trainer can begin with giving treats for dog behavior training until the dog becomes more obedient to commands even if there's no more treat. Repetition . When teaching dog tricks the trainer has to be patient because pet dogs understand better from repetition. In this way, there is more consistency and the beh

What Makes My Dog Training System So Unique…

What Makes My Dog Training System So Unique… Most Dog training programs today fail to engage your Dog on a mental level, and fail to develop his/her intelligence. With enough mental stimulation - many problem behaviors simply melt away. I'll explain why below. Most dog training programs fail you and your dog because they never  address the root cause  of your dog's problem behavior. They just give you some cookie-cutter technique to stop biting, chewing or barking - which is short term in its effectiveness at best - again, because it does not address the root cause of the problem. Most dog training programs use OUTDATED force and dominance techniques. This is proven NOT to work by the latest research. My methods are force-free and gentle. They rely on the latest science in dog behavior research to create a strong bond between you and your dog and create positive emotions in your dog as opposed to fearful ones. They only reinforce the behaviors you want.

The Airplane Game.

Just a quick note on The Airplane Game. …The Airplane Game is the free game you were sent yesterday. You’ll find if you walk your dog before the game…it will make it even more effective. Because your dog has been exercised and is more relaxed – they are more likely to pay attention to the game. The Airplane Game is a wonderful foundation for eliminating bad behavior. If you want the complete solution to having an amazingly well behaved pet however… You should checkout my  >>>brain training for dogs course here. It’s there to develop your dog’s hidden intelligence. It does this with a huge variety of easy games and other little known training strategies. When you develop your dog’s hidden intelligence… Something amazing happens. Behaviors you thought were entrenched just seem to melt away. And the bond between you and your dog grows even stronger. >>>Check out the brain training for Dogs course now. …Or you can keep putting up with an

5 Quick Tips to a Smarter Dog

  5 Quick Tips to a Smarter Dog  Contains 5 tips owners can apply to keep their dogs mentally stimulated. Keeping a dog mentally stimulated is important. If we don’t pay enough attention to our dogs’ minds, they often become bored or start misbehaving, and their mental health can quickly deteriorate. To avoid these problems, here are 5 quick tips to challenge your dog’s brainpower and turn him into a genius! 1) Go off the Beaten Path Yes, literally, walk your dog on new routes every once in a while. If you take your dog on walks using the same path each and every day, he’s missing opportunities to come across anything new. But don’t limit this philosophy to walks; expand it to all areas of your dog’s life. Teach your dog a new skill, let him sniff new places, or try taking part in a doggy sport. Keep your dog’s environment full of new and exciting things, and offer him plenty of opportunities to use his brain. 2) Hide Your Dog’s Toys Dogs can be quite determined when